Any suggestions of a bi weekly conference call?Just brainstorming ideas.I like all of the ideas put forth.We will have corespondance in every country in the world where we live.This is only the beginning.As for a bi weekly conference call,there is Whats App,Skype,FREE conference calls,any suggestions?This will be our meet greet and support.
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Tactical and Strategic reasons dictate only a few of us in the administration know certain details.Until things as a definite.If you read the about section the BAIO needs people to make this an organic process.If you are in a State join the State chapter you reside in.If you have a plan of repatriation share it with the group..If you do plan to live in Africa can you build a pipeline and network with people back in America as a support system.Can you lobby for the BAIO in your city or African residence?Whether it is business education science trade ect the end game is us believing the Diaspora needs a homeland in Africa.This is where we need help and member support
Maybe twice a month then?
A bi weekly conference call sounds like a good idea - just a suggested topic - the political structure and parties in Africa - possible alliances and the formation of a BAIO party for example with an obvious alliance with the EFF and BLF in South Africa - the ANC (if they get their act together) - just a suggestion
I think that's a great idea, and I would certainly like to participate in that. I would like to know what the plans are so far and what we need to do going forward. Has anyone talked to the Nation of Islam? Maybe you have.They've had this idea for a long time and maybe some advice or direction can be given. Maybe someone can point me to discussion on what has been accomplished so far. My only suggestion is that we be action oriented in everything we do and not be side-tracked with minutiae.
The BAIO has the direction.No other group has narrowed it down to LIN.Now the NOI is good for families discipline structures ect.But we need lawyers business people investors public relations people highly educated people who have connections to governments international businesses ect..The main thing now is getting a land agreement for a settlement
Our brother Minister Dawud is a NOI member.We don’t have any confidence in Min Farrakhan as he had 60 years to get something started and he has shown he is anti African and has no interest in real Nationhood
OK. I understand your position. I am neutral in that area. I have deep respect for Minister Farrakhan. I'm not affiliated with any religious group. It might not have been the right time or circumstances for his movement, but I have always believed that the solution to our problems is self-determination, self-governance, and like your organization says Land, Infrastructure and Nationshood. I still respect all the elders for their good efforts. The heavy critisizm is not my steez except for those that I believe are disingenous so I'll let others take up that mantle.
That is an issue we are going to address we want real names in the BAIO
I don't join any social media with my real identity until I feel comfortable, so for now I prefer my alias, but if it becomes a major problem just let me know.
When I signed up (maybe I missed some instruction) I didn't see anything that indicated a real name was mandatory.
Quite honestly, unless government issued IDs are checked no one knows whose name is real or who anyone really is.
How do I know Confidence Chizoro Ehieze-Okeke is a real name?
If the concern is keeping things private, then I think you'd have to close open registration and employ a more scrutinizing membership process like running background checks, fingerprints, etc. I think at this point there's going to have to be a certain level of confidence and decernment.
However, if I decide to continue to be a member I will certainly abide by the rules that are put in place by the owners/admins.
That's reasonable. Thank you.