Black towns in the history of America predate even the first arrivals of African slaves in 1619.The first Africans were creole people from the Netherlands Portugal Spain England.They were western and spoke western languages.In the early era of America the 1500's these people were mostly rejects outcast in Europe and sent to the New World under companies mandated to seek a profit.These men establised settlements in New York,New Jersey,Boston and the Chesapeake region.As their numbers grew so did the White settlements grow.As their settlements grew they became more organized.The Black communities began living reclusive in their own communities and developed a sense of self reliance something that they would take to Freetown and Liberia also across America.
There is a racist myth that Black people are dependent on White Society.History and research dispells this myth.It was the Black towns which provided the stablity that frontier Whites gathered around.Proof of which the most successful White communities are those adjacent to Black townships which supplied them with labor and customers for their busineses.The truth is Black towns did not need the Whites or Jews all they needed was their own infrastructure banks police,colleges,schools,movie houses churches ect.Towns are the core of a civilization.All politics is local.A town is a sanctuary and safe haven in a sea of turbulence and uncertainty.Black America is not or was not an urban big city people.We were small town people driven out by racist and a country determined to undermine our existence.Do we have the right to exist?If we cant have peace through our own safe space in America then its time to build them in Africa.Black towns=Afrikstan