- Memo mo Abibifahodie! (Greetings of Black=Afrikan Liberation!) It came to my attention that the B.A.I.O. site is set up under a platform that isn't Afrikan owned. I do not mean this in an offensive way, I feel the Admin. Set up this site with what was available to them at the time. I honestly feel it is disingenuous to use the rhetoric of Black Afrikan infrastructure using a communications infrastructure that is not Afrikan. I came across a site Abibitumi.com a project started by Dr. Obadaele Kambon. Discovered this platform via Dynast Amir (Search fo Uhruhru) interview with Dr. Kambon. While tuning in to Brother Holips live show a couple weeks back, I overheard a brother speaking on making changes to our ning site. I invite you to Abibitumi.com to see what the platform has to offer. Maybe we can do a B.A.I.O. site revamp using this Platform. Invite Afrikan=Black People! https://www.abibitumi.com/invite/ ; Thank you for your time in reading this post and considering my proposal. I hope to hear back from the B.A.I.O. community to see what are any thoughts on the post. Memo mo Abibifahodie.
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Feel free to join our many groups in the BAIO.There is a culture group.There is an educational group for real higher learning.There a groups for state chapters please get in where you fit in
What are the requisites for forming a state chapter?
@Mark S Gonney thanks for sharing this. I actually live outside of Charlotte, NC. Is there a Charlotte chapter?
I am in North Carolina as well, but I am on the east side of the state.
It’s all state not by city.Grow the state organization then we can form local chapters.Inbox members in your state and form a meet and greet a movie night out with the kids a weekly conference call.Just some ideas the main thing is building bonds and relationships
They are already established.All you have to do is join and meet up with local members.Form BAIO study groups and repatriation support centers in your area
BAIO platform is owned by the BAIO it’s administration and members.We own all content on this platform the logos all published materials ect.
I'm referring to NING. It was a criticism that was pointed out to me, that I thought needed to be addressed. Thank you for the response!
The BAIO should have a very strong presence on www.abibitumi.com or at LEAST a relationship.
We have members in Ghana and people wanting to repatriate to Ghana.We are welcome to the love and unity from people on the ground