Fundamental norms, rules, or values that represent what is desirable and positive for a person, group, organization, or community, and help it in determining the rightfulness or wrongfulness of its actions.
Will the Lebanese take over Liberia? Many Liberians think so. April 2018 for eria-citizenship-problem
"Weah’s election has sparked a wave of optimism in the country with hopes for urgently needed economic and political reforms. One of these reforms concerns Liberia’s unique citizenship laws, laws which have once again elevated the tiny country to global attention. Liberian citizenship(whether by birth or naturalization) is limited to individuals of African descent, thus denying non-blacks political franchise, as well as other attendant rights, such as the ability to own land."
"While the spectre of white domination never emerged in Liberia, there were still concerns that other minorities(Arabs and now Chinese) could usurp control of the country. One can argue that these concerns led in part to changes in the wording of Article V in 1955, when “persons of color” was changed to “Negros, or persons of Negro descent.” While this change reflects changing racial vocabulary, it can also be seen as a means to more narrowly define the parameters of Liberian citizenship."
"Nevertheless, President Weah’s efforts to remove any racial preconditions on Liberian citizenship have sparked an up-tick in fear mongering and anti-Lebanese sentiment in the country. “Every nation has a foundation on which it was built,” argues Fubbi Henries of the Citizens Action Against Non-Negro Citizenship and Land Ownership. “If you undermine that foundation, the nation will definitely crumble.” Henries’ arguments mirror those which have been repeated for decades."
I have some questions for Fubbi Henries of the Citizens Action Against Non-Negro Citizenship:
What nation are you referring to? Liberia or your tribe?
What is the foundation of that nation?
Who put down the foundation on which the nation sits upon?
"While often exaggerated, the role of the Lebanese in Liberia’s economy is a prominent one. Many of the country’s largest businesses and brands are owned by the country’s small Lebanese community (primarily centred in Monrovia)."
"Currently only between 3,000 - 4,000 Lebanese live in Liberia (compared to some 100,000 in Senegal) out of a total population of some four million. Despite this low number, many Liberians feel as threatened as they did during the height of Lebanese immigration"
Black America
GDP 836 Billion
Per Capita $21,000
Population 40-50 Million
GDP 79 Billion
Per Capita $8,000
Population 6 million
The main exported commodities are jewelry
If we just want to escape white persecution, domination and make a decent living to feed our families, we should move to Nigeria.
If we want to an create enclave of AAs or a few cities prodominently ran by AAs, importing/exporting goods via AAs partners in America, lets move to Ghana or Kenya.
But if we want nationhood, a real Afrikastan where AAs can control the spigets, the switches and the big red buttons, There is only one country where AAs have already laid the foundation for that to be a reality.
Who said "limited ourselves to Liberia"? Bob Love, you missed the point but that ok. Do you have any canidates of places we can start to build Afrikastan? You know we eventually have to start, right?
I've been so focused on the economic side of running a nation state, I have not been focusing on the "where" we will get the land. The land will come, we have to be ready to take advantage of the opportunity.
So thats a "NO".......
NO, thats a "You need to go and listen to past BAIO member podcasts" so that you can bring yourself up to speed on the topic of Land, Infrastructure, and Nationhood.
With the advances in building and construction there is no reason to limit ourselves to Liberia just because it was established by AA's.
Sierra Leone also has a significant history with AA's.