My name is Elaina Porter and I am a member of the American Institute of Human Rights. For the past three years we have studied international human rights,humanitarian, and law of war to address our issues. In October we created a confederated nation state. We have a right to establish a nation state here and on the continent if we wish. Israel is the model we can look at. The U.S. government is required to facilitate and provide resources for infrastructure and development because we are descendants of prisoners of a war that has never stopped. We are still under occupancy.
This entire thread has got me very excited. I just had to read at least one post before bed, and I'm happy this one was it.
I want to get involved in whichever way possible.
I do not want you to take this as a solicitation for students but rather a solicitation for a positive remedy to the African descendant American condition.
It is the duty of Lawyers and Political Scientist of African descendant to not only articulate our political, economic and legal problems but to collectively come up with a remedy.
The duty of African-descendant Lawyers is to zealously represent African-descendant people on collective human rights violations. Likewise, the duty of the African-descendant political scientist is to use qualitative sources, such as historical documents, to develop theories and use quantitative methods, such as statistical analysis, to test these theories in a way that is remedial.
We must at this late date understand that we "cannot change the system from within". That is the biggest lie of the 20th century regurgitated by the unthinking drones of civil rights nostalgia. The Lawyers and Political Scientist must work for systematic change. Both the African descendant Lawyer and Political Scientist should monitor current events, policy decisions, and other issues relevant to a systematic change.
We have to resolve the fact that the vast majority of our Lawyers and Political scientists are inadequately trained to fulfill their duties. because of this erroneous myth that change comes from within when true change is Freedom of determination rather than trying to change the embedded racism that is the core linchpin of American politics. This problem stems from the fact that they have not studied self-determination nor trained to understands the difference between a 'Simple Minority' and 'National Minority when status determines the distribution of land, authority, and the economic privileges of 'Peoples' in America. Change is not a seat on the bus or a seat in an educational institute. Dr. King only started the movement towards change and we must finish it.
So it is apparent to everyone who thinks logically that we must hurdle our psychological sensitivities to Self-Determination Studies when it can be used to move our stifled democratic development into land and indigenous rights in the allocation of state and federal funds. Our failure to understand and utilize international law deprives us of the power to adequately challenge the allocations of rights, power, and privileges. Whether we realize it our not African-descendants are a "Native People". We have been deprived of the ability to understand who we are. We must 'learn the National Minority status and racial identity 'one drop' game'. This inadequacy has enabled the maintenance of systematic racial governance that has inculcated race into political behavior and public policies that incarcerate, gentrifies, kills, and deprives our people of their human rights.
The discussions of the Civil Rights Lawyers, Political Scientist professors are remarkably limited to complaining about criminal Justice, education, and economic issues argued in front of racist Anglo-Judges under the Anglo interpretation of the Anglo-American law. When will we learn? The Lawyers and Political Scientist have been dulled into compliance by the mindless redundancy of inequities when we should be putting forth a collective remedy case. These inequities are all due to the fact our lawyers and the political scientist have been unable until now to utilize collective remedies that are available to African descendant, indigenous people under the International law.
This is not hyperbole. We are not making this up. We teach International law UN Human Rights Defender and UN Monitoring Courses candidates directly from the United Nations texts and manuals. Our professors explain the UN Conventions, General Assembly Resolutions, Treaties, Doctrines, and Principles concerning National Minority Status and privileges, Reparations, Indigenous rights, Self-determination, Colonialism and the Right to non-discrimination in Education, Policing, housing, and employment.
Our professors show our candidates how to challenge the racial recalcitrance of the empty, unenforceable rhetoric of diversity and color blindness that many of our Lawyers and political Scientist have been confounded by. We show you how to challenge this type of racial sophistry under International law. There are many solutions under international law, and the UN Human Rights Commission, The Working Group on People of African Descent, and UN General Assemblies are waiting for our educated professionals to frame our issues adequately.
On this day in history, American governance must be examined and 'Special Measures' put forth detailing specific policies regarding our American identity, citizenship status, education and tax allocations, authority, policing, justice, material wealth, peace and public health.
Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the American Institute of Human Rights your generation started it, and we are going to finish it.
Please visit our sites and become a UN Human Rights Defender or UN Monitor. For information on how we are approaching these conditions through human rights education go to,,
Please join our newsletter list for more information.
"Confederate or Capitulate" You do not have a choice.
Our "Webinars of the Scholars" Series will begin February 4, 2018
Sister thank you for this peice.We want to build institutions to fight for our rights in America.We believe a missing part of that is our birthright to land in Africa.We can do both.We need people on both sides of the continent working in unison.Just like the Jews do with Israel.We have a particular African nation interested in being that host nation we need.What the BAIO needs at this point is a team of lawyers and people skilled in public administration leading the effort.If you have these skills and can put together a team of lawyers we will support you 100%.
Greetings Dwayne:
I have been mentored by a brilliant international human right attorney Musa Danfodio located in Stone Mountain Georgia and international human rights law and political science professor Dr. Mustafa Ansari. They have international contacts and contacts on the continent. If I am not mistaken there are chiefs whose tribes participated in the slave trade allocated land for African Americans. Also, they are putting together a team that will be addressing the issue of repatriation as a Nation State. Please reach out to Dr. Ansari and he will update you on what we are doing. We have a human right to a Nation State in Africa and the United States. Please contact me at 706/425-2865. We can work together to develop both because that is our human right to THREE pass ports because have a dual birth right one to the continent and here in the United States. There is no either or.
We have a particular country we have been working with.But those lands in those other countries can be complicated especially because they are in Francophone nations.We have had plans and blueprints for years now.This is well planned and thought out.Now its the logistics and getting the final okay and financial support.The host country knows it has much to gain economically,politically and socially from our presence.I will try to give you a call sometime next week
I look foward to speaking to you soon.
Greetings Brother Dwayne:
Thank you again for responding to my post. I wanted to add one more point. The U.S. has a duty to immediately expedite a process of restorative justice for us.We are afforded several human rights that once enforced the U.S. must foot the bill to repatriate and facilitate a nationstate/homeland on the continent. We do not have to relegate what we propose to do to mom and pop operations of the past where we are strong arming Ms.Mae and Lil Ray Ray's moma for their money to fund what we propose to do.
Greetings Dwayne:
Thank you for responding to my post. The world knows about American hypocracy and lies. Trump confirms the U.S. is a rouge apartheid colonial government with no limits. The issue is we have to assert our right to self-determination
So true sister