Alot mainland and diasporan afrikans seem lost of what is WAY OF LIFE is, what is spirituality and soul is, and what spiritual oneness(God) is. Blak people for 3 millions and more fundamentally knew that spiritual oneness networked with all things living, was the dominant concept, meaning that all things were one unit. With this understanding, all afrikan ethnic groups had their word for this soulful oneness. Vodu as an example in the EWE and akan tradition, is one of those. Vodu is the understanding that Afrikanait, Afrikanu live as vodu, God, having a true hueman experience. In relationship to religion, religion means to bind to something that is spiritual and ethical. Well, the non afrikans needed religion, because they were birthed in the ghettos and hoods of the caucasus basins, because in their basins, their were zero moral codes with them. A great BABA, that we can refer to is Prof James small and Dr Wade Nobles.
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