This is Liberia Social Watch Anti Drugs Abuse Advocacy, SWADAA. An organization with strategies and aims to help the youths/adults out of becoming victims of Drugs or Substances Abuse and Addiction which results to various social ills in the community.
SWADAA knowing assuredly that the youths are the patrotic flag upholder of good governance and of National developments now and for the future, cannot remain silent seeing our future beneficiaries getting rotting in our eye through various sagacious acts and nefarious habits leading to Early Death, War, Violent, Vandalization of Government Properties and Scadalization of Social Ethics in the Country.
SWADAA since 1997 has been in opearation in Nigeria, but discovered Liberia in 2018, registered and acredited by the Liberia government.
SWADAA works not alone, because the vices, "Drug abuse and other social ills" cannot be lonely tarkled by one organization, we therefore work incollaboration with various enforcement agencies and corporate sectors that have been on this field since decade and full of experience.
However, SWADAA have come to be a helping hand to the community dwellers, SWADAA is not carrying fire arms or destructive gadgets. The organization is to enforce peace and order through Amicable Negotiation, Talks and educative programs.
✓ Orientation is power to triger fire arm.
✓ Orientation is also the same power to surrender fire arm.
There is quite differences between communication and Orientation. Communication is passing message across, while orientation is tutoring, impacting, instructing or inculcating knowledge. Every living organism communicates but not all can orientiate. Thousands of organizations are communicable, but are not orientable. SWADAA shall apply disciplinary order of peaceful negotiation and orientation programs going across the rural and urban areas.
001: VISION.
To help the youths/adults out of various social ills and prevent them from such habits as:- drug abuse, rape, violent, vandalization of government properties, drug trafficking, child trafficking or abuse, women abuse, illicit drug trafficking etc.
002: AIMS.
Our aim is to embark on projects, organizing anti drugs abuse campaign programs, community Orientation programs, visit Schools, and various public places educating the people on how to escape the afore mentioned deadly monster that slowly and silently destroying our brighter future.
When you have develop interest to joining SWADAA, purchase your Membership Form at the nearest SWADAA office or come to the National office to get your own copy.
For more information contact us on:
facebook search: social watch anti drugs abuse advocacy SWADAA
Or on Google search - swadaaworldwide
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