Let me tell you about the Christy Report which began in 1930 by the League of Nations accusing Liberia of slavery,and the inability to self rule..It was a total fabrication.I did an investigation and found out that there were,many objective people in the US State dept who discredited the report.For one thing the people who instigated this were compelled by Lady Simon's anti Liberian book.Nothing in the book was based on facts.That was the whole reason for the report.She said that Liberians were American Negroes exploiting Africans, and therefor unfit to govern.She went on to say strongly, that no Black man should run a government even over other Black people.She called for White rule in Liberia like the rest of Africa.Remember the British,French Portuguese ect enslaved the entire continent.Liberia was the last hold out.It was obvious that, this had nothing to do with concern for the Kru Tribe.Because the Kru were migrating to Fernando Po for the past 100 years.The British were using forced labor in South Africa,Kenya,Malaysia,China,ect.The Belgium KiNG Leopold murdered 20 million Congolese to enrich himself at the same time period.Liberia never did such a thing.Now the Christy Report was flawed because Christy was a dentist whose only qualification was he spent a few months in Nigeria.He was a sincere man. They also chose African American Charles S.Johnson from Frisk University.Neither men were qualified interviewers or investigators.The entire investigation of this magnitude was only four months long.It was later determined that that was impossible to conduct full investigations with testimony of 250 witnesses half around the country.At the time it took days to travel around Liberia.They met with natives who were anxious to get rid of the Americo Liberians.Many Native Liberia thought the inquiry was the White man coming to take the Americo Liberians back to America.
After concluding that Native Liberians worked under brutal systems, they also blamed the chiefs of the villages for this.Then they looked at the whole system of contract labor and found that although it may have been abused by some Americo Liberians, but there was no evidence of forced slavery.The original charge.Now King was ready to accept the recommendations of the commission but the British wanted Liberia to be mandated.It was this that he stepped down.The British having lost its excuse still wanted Liberia mandated which showed it was never about the Kru's plight in the first place.Then the British tried to get Liberia to accept a loan with high interest Liberia refused to fall into the debt.The last the Christy never visited Fernando Po nor did any of his commissioners see the conditions the Kru's worked under.That was the whole point they did not care about the Kruman.Finally Firestone came and the American government and the British for the first time was out witted.