Brochure 1-2 Tanzania Tour Nov 2020

Welcome to the journey of a lifetime everyone. Join us for a real cultural experience on an incredible tour of Tanzania Nov 20-30, 2020 in East Africa. This is a 3-city tour throughout Tanzania including Zanzibar Island, Arusha and Dar es Salaam. Do not miss this opportunity to reconnect with our people and land to enjoy paradise in the tropics. This the perfect getaway which includes, networking with the group, learning about the roots, culture, repatriation, investment opportunities and more. Africa is the future; see you in the motherland.

Visit our website for details on future Africa Tours & Investments at Investments at Subscribe to our YouTube channel and get all of the video highlights at View our photo galleries on FB Twitter IG Email me at or Bomani Technology: Service-Support-Consultation.

This is the website link for all info, price and more if you are interested in our future community in Ghana. You can also e-mail Project Organizer Bomani Tyehimba at to talk about all the details.

#TanzaniaTours #Africafortheafricans #AfricaTours #RepatriationtoAfrica #blackpower #nationbuilding #BlackConsciousness #TheJourneyofalifetimetours #TanzaniaRootsTour #Tanzania #TanzaniaCuluture

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