edcuation (1)

The Battle is 360 Degrees

On the recent Blogtalk show w/Minister Dawud, the issue of security was the primary focus. Physical security is a must for any enterprise that involves the improvement of life for African people. History has shown that whenever African people wish to do good for themselves and their children, those who are bent on our destruction have used whatever tools they had available to make sure we stayed "in our place". This was done not only by physical force (lynching, police beatings, etc), but also by the exclusion of Africans from the education that would help us develop technology. In the 21st century, the world has become much smaller due to the advent of the Internet. Countries has based much of their economies on E-Commerce. Militaries train soldiers to wage cyber warfare to defend assets against hostile nations. Because of that, the industry of cyber security has skyrocketed and will continue to do so as more and more systems come online. Now that many of us have access to the global network, how many of us take advantage of its resources, especially free education?

As we build, rest assured we will be in the electronic crosshairs of those who only wish to see us fail. Who will defend our electronic frontier once it is established? How will they train? Where are the resources? Well, how about we start here?

Free Cybersecurity Training

and check the video playlist below.

Until next time...

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