This is the age of the Kala Nation.This page is from the Kala Nation Cultural Movement.I believed that culture was the fundamental thing missing in Black America,not religion,or ideology but culture.I started with Sacred Cows,Arrested Development,Hidden hand of Mass Confusion,Road to Hell is often paved with good intentions,Deadly Clowns,The Enemy Within,and many others.Kala Nation is based on West African culture,Zen, Taoism,Islam,Christianity,Hip hop, and many other philosophies homogenized into one.From this blog,I humbly started a radio broadcast that has reached tens of thousands of listeners around the world.I believe culture is always changing and adapting,I believe we can absorb other cultures and blend them with ours without losing who we are if we control the context of our existence.This context leads me to nationhood.I believe out of all the African people we are the most universal.Now it is time to use that to build a new reality.
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