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Many people of faith believe that they can fight a spiritual war in a material world.After 400 years next year,it is obvious they were wrong all along.Most early Black Churches believed in the concept of a'Promised Land".Some believed the Promised Land was a return to our ancestral homeland to build a nation,others believed in going out West away from the racist elements in the South.But it seems that no matter where we ended up the same problems of a race torn from their land,an abomination that may take people 1000 years of devistation to correct,the same problems are waiting in the so called Promised Land for them.Being a people without a land means a people who must remain weak,passive,accomidating,loyal,obedient,cowardly,submissive.Being without a land means you cannot in a strong sense demand accountability and loyalty from your own kind.

The Black Church was never protected by Angels of God.Many people will say Jesus will save us,or God has Angels protecting me.But the saddest thing is Black Churchs have been a favorite target for White Supremacist groups.Thousands of Churches were burned to the ground over the last 150 years.75 in 1995!A look at how the African Church faired in Liberia is to see it flourish protected by being on Black soil and protected by a Black nation state.Liberian families Churches,Institutions,farms,never suffered from threats from White supremacist mobs.Liberians were not in danger of racist police.The Civil Rights movement and the Black Church ignored the fact that the same people that controlled the police,juries,courts,laws,were still going to be in power.But that didn't matter to most of them,it was all about their ambitions and egos.It was all about the willing to claim any victory to discredit the Back to Africa movement.To create the illusion of inclusion as to undermine all nationalist organizations.

An Afrikstan or diaspora nation state in Africa is the solution.There are people who are questioning our vision of a homeland for African American and diasporans.The same people who by their own admission have been in Africa for decades and have nothing to show for it.You have Black diasporans in places like Ghana and Nigeria but face more discrimiation and red tape,delays ect in African than they would back in the states.Imagine you are finally home in Africa,all of your dreams shouls happen now right?Wrong when I hear you cant outright own land it must be leased for a period of years and it is still no guarantee that you own it,that is not your home.You should be able to buy property outright on day one.You should have the right to hold public office and vote.You should have permanent residence or dual citizenship.

Serenity......Is not freedom from the storm..but peace and tranquility admist the storm...An Afrikstan a nation with borders common language and most people sharing the same race and cultural heritage will give us for the first time in 400 years peace and serenity.In other words we cant solve all of the world's and Africa's problems,but this will be a safe haven for people who want to build and have true serenity in a world spiraling out of control by the day...

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Everyone has different moral rules values and religions,ideologies ect.The law is suppose to be there as a balance between individual liberties and the being the moral authority and conscious of the people.The reason the law becomes the moral authority or has the right to distinguish between what is immoral and what is illegal is because if not then religion and cults become the moral authority and that will put society back in the dark ages.My personal belief is I do not think homosexuals and people who intermarry should be in a real Nationalist movement.This does not mean they cannot be part of the country and have the same liberties and rights as everyone else.Its like can a drunkard really be choir director?Can a pastor be a womanizer?A Nationalist is someone who wants an eternal nation.A nation is centered around the family unit.Family bonds build dynasties bloodlines,marriage,kinship all are essential parts of building a unified structured nation.

Parting ways with America will create the situation where unity will happen.When we decide that we want dignity when we are tired of seeing our women portrayed as whores,unattractive,our men being emasulated effeminate.When we are tired of seeing our young girls chasing White boys and White men preying on Black vulnerable women because of self hate then we are ready for nationhood.I dont buy or believe LBGTQ people are genuine about nationhood because they are part of the New Black America of disfunction,destruction,chaos and misery that we want a new genesis a New Testiment to our future.A nation is a new beginning.The legitimacy is the wanting to be free to pursue happiness.Collective happiness must be the ablitity to procreate love marry raise children,aquire peace prosperity wealth and most of all the cherished sense of serenity.The Nationalist movement and the eventual Nation State are not the same thing.The latter has a responsiblity to the rule of law and the protection of the marginal and undesirable,the former has the right to exclude anyone and close ranks.

Are we ready to leave America yet?

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Nationhood...The Writing is on the Wall

The idea that descendants of the Trans Atlantic slave holocaust aka Maafa should return to their ancestral land and build it as a safe haven and homeland is the oldest ideology in Black America.Since the first Africans who were brought to these shores in chains arrived here most wanted to return and regroup as to take vengeance for the treachery and evil inflicted on them at the hands of the White man and those African traitors who colaborated with the White man.Historians have purposefully overlooked this aspect of Black thought as an aberation because it does not fit the narrative of America being the land of the free.If people who could endure such terrible things can be happy with America then America is off of the hook for its crimes.The 800lb gorilla in the room when socalled spokesmouths and Black intelligentsia speak on the condition of Black America is,Nationhood.As a nationalist expect to be persecuted miligned hated threatened and even feared and loathed.The lure of America is a double edge sword.America creates a certain basic delusional comfort zone even for people who denouce her.The White man can spin the narrative anyway he wants as long as you are confined to American soil.So pretending to be pro Black and for liberation absent a land of your own is disingenous and a farce.

Black Media,Academia,Entertainment are openly hostile to Nationhood.We must understand that we are not properly educated,infact as I study more and more Im finding out that most people are miseducated in all races.Historians are the gatekeepers who only want you to think in a certain narrow way.Facts and the truth be damned.It is all about what makes America work.Nationalism as a solution to the race problem is a slap in the face to very idea of American exceptionalism.The idea that America is the last hope of mankind.Black America is like a rape victim of a prominent Baptist Minister who must keep quiet in order to protect his name and image.The wanting a nation of our own will be seen as ingratitude.Black America is dying of mental sickness because we have been conditioned to live a lie.The well of upper class Black people who are incahoots with White America so called militant integrationist will do anything to discredit the idea of nationhood.We saw this with Charles S Johnson who wrote a book about Liberia called the Black Republic in the 1920's.Any mistake the only Black republic made was proof that Black America should continue their fight for integration in America and not listen to Marcus Garvey and his exodus and colonization in Liberia.At the same time with the Stock Market Crash and the Great Dustbowl famine and Depression were never reasons to give up America though.

The Writing is on the Wall.Because academia particularly Black Academics have no solutions other than complaing and begging.They are openly telling us they have no plan and they are out for their own benefit so what are you going to do?You have no place to go.We are your only voice in government.Well how about Black America allying with other governments around the world?When it becomes clear that we want and Afrikstan or a state of our own in Africa,the writing will be on the wall for all to see.Nationhood is the answer to the America conundrum.Nationhood creates a"we"because we will have something tangible and focal binding us together.The Black African Infrastructure Organization has a steely resolve and simple conviction...LAND INFRASTRUCTURE NATIONHOOD.

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Kalagenesis Responds
If you are any student of history and African history in particular, then you would know that the American government cannot be trusted to bring any good to this region of the world.Just look at Iraq.No, that was a little to easy.Lets look at Central America,and compared that to Japan in the 80's with South east Asia.We the United States meddled in Latin America, in a communist witch hunt for decades spending billions in an endless game of gotcha and cat and mouse games with so called rebels.The result is a weak underdeveloped region with strife,poverty and narco drug trafficking.Is it no wonder why men like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro rise to power?Japan in the 80's transfered billions of yen in capital to its former wartime colonies during the era of endaga or "powerful yen".Now Japan has regional trading partners for its products,both consumer and industrial.All the while the U.S. was pursuing endless militarist mischief in Latin America.
Now the same incompetent forces want to bring their failures to the African continent.Same thing though, a place where never ending wars will ensue as surely as I am sitting here.The problem with AFRICOM is first we have a racist White power structure who only wants the same thing from Africa.Cheap raw materials,open markets and a weak decentralized continent.China is growing in influence on the continent in every country China is building infastructure,roads,hospitals,mines,factories,ect.While America still wants the same outdated relationship with the same corupt lackys on the continent.What Bush wants is to bring the command now stationed in Germany under the orders of a European command to Africa.Now there will be no guarantee that the African command will be independent of the European command just play by ear.
If this was truly about America helping Africa then why do they have virtually no African American representation in AFRICOM?A nearly lily White advisory board.It seems Bush isn't trying to build brides with Africa and African people with all the recent hoopla can see through this.The African-American and continent Africans want to be free from this yoke of white supremecy,and no matter how they try to dress it up we see it for what it is.The man who is chosen to"lead"AFRICOM is General William 'kip' Ward an African American general,so far the only Black man in AFRICOM.Only one African country said it would host it the was Liberia the long step child of America.Funny how the only female head of state on the great continent was the one that agreed to this.
Where are the African-American leaders,business people statesmen ect?They should be the ones driving AFRICOM,not the same racist imperialist who've ruined Latin America.Pan Africanist this is our time to shine and get involved,because if we build Africa the we are setting ourselves free.

The following is an official document from the United States Defense Department.It details the United States involvement in the military and political crisis on the continent of Africa:
On February 6, 2007, President Bush directed the creation of U.S. Africa Command. The decision was the culmination of a 10-year thought process within the Department of Defense (DOD) acknowledging the emerging strategic importance of Africa, and recognizing that peace and stability on the continent impacts not only Africans, but the interests of the U.S. and international community as well. Yet, the department’s regional command structure did not account for Africa in a comprehensive way, with three different U.S. military headquarters maintaining relationships with African countries. The creation of U.S. Africa Command will enable DOD to better focus its resources to support and enhance existing U.S. initiatives that help African nations, the African Union, and the regional economic communities succeed. It also provides African nations and regional organizations an integrated DOD coordination point to help address security and related needs.

AFRICOM reflects a more integrated staff structure.A Different Kind of Command
Designers of U.S. Africa Command clearly understand the relationships between security, development, diplomacy and prosperity in Africa. As a result, U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, reflects a much more integrated staff structure, one that includes significant management and staff representation by Department of State, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other U.S. government agencies involved in Africa. The command will also seek to incorporate partner nations and humanitarian organizations, from Africa and elsewhere, to work alongside the U.S. staff on common approaches to shared interests.

Building Partner Capacity AFRICOM is a headquarters staff whose mission entails coordinating the kind of support that will enable African governments and existing regional organizations, such as the African Standby Force, to have greater capacity to provide security and respond in times of need.
The creation of AFRICOM does not mean the U.S. military will take a leading role in African security matters, nor will it establish large U.S. troop bases. Rather, AFRICOM is a headquarters staff whose mission entails coordinating the kind of support that will enable African governments and existing regional organizations, such as the African Standby Force, to have greater capacity to provide security and respond in times of need. AFRICOM will build on the many African-U.S. security cooperation activities already underway, yet be able to better coordinate DOD support with other U.S. government departments and agencies to make those activities even more effective.

U.S. officials are currently in consultation with African leaders on where and what kind of presence AFRICOM should have. AFRICOM Presence
AFRICOM will be headquartered at Kelley Barracks in Stuttgart, Germany, for the foreseeable future. The staff is examining opportunities to have a presence on the continent, in the form of administrative offices, but only if it adds value to the security assistance that the United States provides, and only in full diplomatic consultation and agreement with potential host nations.

The Way Ahead
AFRICOM is still in its early planning stages. The command began initial operations in October 2007 and is still formulating mission, staffing and location options.

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Magic and Art in West Africa

West African culture is a fusion of traditional customs and the modern influences of the Western world. The creation myths of these societies give rise to several beliefs and traditions that are governed by what one might call magic.

Magic in West Africa is associated with many different things. In some cultures it is the ability to use witchcraft or to cast spells. Other peoples view magic as a force that transforms. The point is that magic, like the rituals and practices of African cultures, is quite diverse. This diversity can be illustrated if one looks at each of the cultures interpretations of magic and makes some interesting parallels.

The Mande people are very magical in nature. This can be mostly attributed to the nyamakalaw subgroup; an endogamous people who are born with the inherent ability to control nature. The power they are able to wield so well is called nyama. In fact, their name nyama-kala could be translated as handlers (kala) of nyama. The Mande see nyama as a hot, wild energy that is the animating force of nature. Nyama is present in all the rocks, trees, people and animals that inhabit the Earth. It is similar to the Western notion of the soul but is more complete than that. It controls nature, the stars and the motions of the sea. Nyama is truly the sculptor of the universe.

While nyama molds nature into it's many forms, the nyamakalaw can shape nyama into art. The nyamakalaw spend their entire lives perfecting special secret skills that are passed down from generation to generation. The nyamakalaw are the only people in Mande that can use magic and are often skilled as sorcerers, blacksmiths, leather workers or bards.

No matter what occupation the nyamakalaw chose the products they create can undoubtedly be considered art. If a bard plays an instrument and sings, that music is art. If a blacksmith forges an iron staff for the king it is art. The nyamakalaw make a great deal of art for the Mande people but some are more central to their practices than others. A ritual mask like those used in the Ci Wara agricultural celebration is a necessity to the non-nyamakalaw peoples of Mande. As much as the horonw despise the nyamakalaw, they are forced to respect them and their art because it is vital for their own needs.

The full impact of Mande art can hardly be expressed in this web page at the present time. We suggest exploring the wonderfully rendered site Museum of African art.

The Yoruba have a slightly different understanding about magic which they call ase. Ase is also present in all things and can be either good or evil. Our focus on the Yoruba peoples was mostly in the realm of performance or play. This being the case, ase is most closely related to the griots (bards) of the Mande and their ability to make their nyama flow directly out of their body rather than into a sculpture or sword.

Along with ase there is what the Yoruba call aba or the ability to display one's ase. This is central to the performer as the essence of Yoruba play is to relay one's own interpretation of tradition to the audience. Ase, therefore, plays and important role in shaping Yoruba ritual and thus Yoruba society.

Women also possess a special kind of power called aje. This vital force is what enables women to make things happen weather it be childbirth of witchcraft. Just as ase is a transformative power, women with aje are supposedly able to morph their bodies into other creatures. Women in Yorubaland are treated with a great deal of respect which probably stems from, among other things, their magical powers.

As an in class assignment we attempted to interpret the meaning of a Yoruba proverb. We will present the proverb with a short summary of our understanding. What do you think the ancient saying means?

Why do we grumble because a tree is bent,
When, in our streets, there are even men who are bent?
Why must we complain that the moon is slanting?
Can anyone reach the skies to straiten it?
Can't we see that some cocks have combs on their heads,
but no plumes on their tails?
And some have plumes in their tails, but no claws on their toes?
And others have claws on their toes, but no power to crow?
He who had a head has no cap to wear, and he who has a cap
has no head to wear it on.
The owa has everything but a horses stable.
Some great scholars of Ifa cannot tell the way to Ofa.
Other know the way to Ofa, but not one line of Ifa.
Great eaters have no food to eat, and great drinker no
wine to drink:
Wealth has a coat of many colours.

We feel that this proverb reflects some general views of the Yoruba culture. There is an overtone of transformation that is indicative of the Yoruba concept of ase. The proverb is divided into two sections. One asks several questions and the other is the moral of the proverb. The first part questions the individuality of the Yoruba peoples. In one way, the proverb tells of how nature and the People of Yorubaland are one. But the proverb then goes on to say that although the Yoruba should realize they are one people, they are each individuals with their own contributions to society. The second part of the poem emphasizes this fact by stating that the Yoruba need each other to survive. No one person, even the king, can know and have everything. The Yoruba culture is a conglomerate of different people that contribute to the essence of the society.
Back to Yoruba Back to the Mande World

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Liberia was founded as a haven for Africans in the west seeking freedom and independence.The whole point of Liberia was to have a place where African Americans can build themselves without interference from Whites.It was clear to many thinkers during that time period that Blacks needed to server ties with White America in order to become a people.White Paternalism was even more dangerous than brutality because it confirmed the notion that Blacks were children and needed guidance from white benefactors.In Liberia by the end of World War 1 many generations of African Americans grew up being governed by fellow blacks.Many had never been called a nigger.None were ever massacred like in Tulsa(Black Wall Street)and Rosewood.They were used to seeing their leaders at the League of Nations.Sitting down like other sovereign people safe within their borders.This is what freedom is all about.Now when you yield any part of that you give up your sovereignty.Liberia was a proud Black Republic and the Sandemannie and Worley incidents are going to show what happens when White Supremacy is brought to a free proud Black African state.-KALAGENESIS

The first negative reaction to American activities came in February 1918,when a revolt by the Goije and Kongba clans of the Gola broke out against the government.Secretary of the Interior John L Morris was sent to investigate the situation.After a two month stay in the northwestern part of the republic.Morris came to the conclusion that one of the main factors leading to the revolt was the conduct of administration officials.He noted in particular the behavior of two African American or Americo-Liberian officials.Henry J Howard and James R Howard who had abused their authority by collecting large sums of money and generally mistreating the native population,especially the Gola.Morris we find ourselves in an awful predicament.The whole interior is fermenting as a result of the rule of these commissioners.It is only by extremely careful handling that one may hope to restore a decent state of affairs.
On the face of it there was no connection between the Americans serving in Liberia and the outbreak of the Gola revolt.Morris report devoted a full nine pages to a description of Howards misdeeds;his appointment,Morris argued had been a mistake from the beginning.Since Howard had been Major Young's personal choice for the position there was in fact a link drawn between U.S. officials and the Gola outbreak.Morris had probably come to the conclusion that the reforms forced upon the government by the military attache,financial adviser and the American minister in 1915 had led neither to to the strenghthening of African American rule nor to the establishment of an effective administration but to the reverse:there was now more corruption,as well as the deterioration of Liberian authority in the Northwest.The Americans in his opinion was to blame for the situation no less than the Liberians since they had attributed failure to the Liberians alone without talking any responsibility upon themselves.In addition U.S. officials in Liberia had presented further demands that were likely to broaden their power and involve them even more in Liberian internal affairs.
Yet another factor leading to the resentment of the Americans was the high handed manner of American officials towards their African American counterparts.Instances in which Liberians were disciplined or punished were interpreted as acts of mistreatment in which Black men were humiliated by Whites.
The most serious dispute was the Sandemannie Affair,which involved three people Mitchell an American district commissioner H.A. Sawyer,and an Americo-Liberian commissioner of an area bordering the French territories and of two additional district,Garma and Sanniquellie.In 1920 Sawyer accused Sandemannie of keeping slaves,taking government money and transferring government property to his name.As a consequence of these accusations Mitchell sent a note announcing Sandemannie's dismissal and ordered the commissioner to present himself immediately to Monrovia.Sawyer who carried these messages was ordered to chain Sandemannie if resisted.
Upon his arrival in Monrovia,Sandemannie reported to his superior the Secretary of the Interior complaining that Sawyer had taken advantage of the situation and had ordered him chained without justification.As a result Sandemannie had been led all the way to Monrovia a twelve day journey in chains humiliated and degraded.Such behavior expressed the with of White Americans to control Liberia,Sandemannie added"While on the way from Sanniquelle I could hear the surprised natives making this remark:Now we know the White man has taken the country away from the Black people in Monrovia;for see White men have put the D.C. in chains and sending him out of the country.
Sandemannie was closely related to a number of Liberian leaders.In addition he was the protege of both ex President Barclay and the president elect Charles DB King(1920-1920).As a result his public arrest was widely reported in the Liberian press.The Bulletin of November 6,1920 for example printed an article titled"Is Liberia becoming a Georgia or Texas?which severely denounced a situation in which a White American could take the liberty of chaining and humiliating a Liberian without trial.Seven days later another article appeared which followed an investigation of the charges against Sandemannie.The reporter had discovered that Sandemannie did in fact keep slaves in various place in the Vai country,and had indeed sent his family money that had been illegally obtained.But at the same time the newspapers attacked the Americans serving in Liberia particularly Sawyer who had chained Sandemannie and humiliated him unnecessarily.
Another newspaper The Monrovia Weekly Review,wrote that Mitchell came from the state of Georgia.In his hometown the paper reported,there were posters saying'Niggers Read and Run.The paper remarked that Sandemannie's arrest was the first such humiliating incident to occur in the Liberian republic.
The Storm of resentment and indignation triggered by the Sandemannie affair reached new peaks following another incident The Worley Affair
This time the object was H.E. Worley the financial adviser from the U.S. government.Together with Ernest Lyon,the Liberian consul general in the U.S. Worley had represented the Liberian government in negotiations involving a 5 million loan from the U.S.The loan was intended to rehabilitate Liberia's economy following the close of WW1.After working out the details of the agreement,Worley went back to Liberia on a ship from Baltimore.Before leaving however he granted an interview to a local newspaper.Worley was described in the article as the King of Liberia a man obeyed and admired by the leaders of Liberia.The article in glowing terms the reception awaiting Worley upon his arrival in Monrovia with the draft agreement.
The article might well have gone unnoticed by the African American elite in Liberia had not Lyon taken the trouble of sending copies of the newspapers to his two son in laws who happened to be the Secretary of the Interior and Treasury.The publication added to the bitterness and resentment of the African American community in Liberia.Anti American feelings reached a boiling point there were even attempts to physically attack Americans serving in Liberia.Major Young,Bundy and even Mitchell became the target of insults and threats while walking the streets of Monrovia.On May 24,1920 Mitchell became involved in a street fight with a Liberian who cursed him and refused to let him pass.Mitchell hit him and the Liberian fell down.The next day when the Liberia police came to arrest Mitchell sought refuge in the American delegation's residence.A messenger was sent to accompany him to the President.When both arrived at the president's office it became clear that invitation had been a strategem to get Mitchell out of the delegation's residence and thus enable his arrest.The commissioner general was tried the same day and a fine of 50 dollars was imposed on him.Moreover the the Liberian he had attacked presented a suit for damages in the sum of 3000 dollars.The whole thing was an attempt to arrest and humiliate Mitchell.Worley was declared persona non grata in an official letter to the U.S. government and the Liberians wanted all of the American advisers out of Liberia.They accused the Americans of trying to take over the country and being the first Black republic any hints of paternalism was not to be tolerated.They rejected the loan out of pride and dignity.Liberia was a true example of Black pride in a world of White Supremacy.The U.S. State dept and Military would have its revenge 60 years later when they financed the overthrow of the Black American elite helping Samuel Kanyon Doe become the first indigenous President of the country.
References are from:Black Colonialism/Americo Liberian Scramble for the hinterland
Yekutiel Gershoni
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The Black Wallstreet Massacre

I have often wrote 'if you want real answers you have to ask real questions'.Now while I watch race traitors,racist people who hate my community,say how we are just lazy and we don't try in this country,lets look back in our history.The biggest lie perpetuated by people who mislead us is we are always depending on White folks for our means.On the contrary our whole history is one of trying to avoid them and build for our selves.Such was the story featured in this blog about the Black Wall Street,of Tulsa Oklahoma.The racist who say we are lazy do not want to own up to the problems that the racist terror brought to our community.It stopped all real progress among our people.Now we have to reverse this by force if need be.The racist don't want us to have a piece of this land for our selves even though it was just stolen from the Indians.The following is an account of what happened in the early part of the last century.-Kalagenesis

Black (Negro) Wall Street 

From the Book

Black People
And Their Place In World History

By: Dr. Leroy Vaughn


he "Black (Negro) Wall Street" was the name given to Greenwood Avenue of North Tulsa, Oklahoma during the early 1900’s. Because of strict segregation, Blacks were only allowed to shop, spend, and live in a 35 square block area called the Greenwood district. The "circulation of Black dollars" only in the Black community produced a tremendously prosperous Black business district that was admired and envied by the whole country.

Oklahoma’s first African-American settlers were Indian slaves of the so-called "Five Civilized Tribes": Chickasaws, Choctaws, Cherokees, Creeks, and Seminoles. These tribes were forced to leave the Southeastern United States and resettle in Oklahoma in mid-winter over the infamous "Trail of Tears." After the Civil War, U.S.-Indian treaties provided for slave liberation and land allotments ranging from 40-100 acres, which helps explain why over 6000 African-Americans lived in the Oklahoma territory by 1870. Oklahoma boasted of more All-Black towns and communities than any other state in the land, and these communities opened their arms to freed slaves from all across the country. Remarkably, at one time, there were over 30 African-American newspapers in Oklahoma.

Tulsa began as an outpost of the Creek Indians and as late as 1910, Walter White of the NAACP, described Tulsa as "the dead and hopeless home of 18,182 souls." Suddenly, oil was discovered and Tulsa rapidly grew into a thriving, bustling, enormously wealthy town of 73,000 by 1920 with bank deposits totaling over $65 million. However, Tulsa was a "tale of two cities isolated and insular", one Black and one White. Tulsa was so racist and segregated that it was the only city in America that boasted of segregated telephone booths.

Since African Americans could neither live among Whites as equals nor patronize White businesses in Tulsa, Blacks had to develop a completely separate business district and community, which soon became prosperous and legendary. Black dollars invested in the Black community also produced self-pride, self-sufficiency, and self-determination. The business district, beginning at the intersection of Greenwood Avenue and Archer Street, became so successful and vibrant that Booker T. Washington during his visit bestowed the moniker: "Negro Wall Street." By 1921, Tulsa’s African-American population of 11,000 had its own bus line, two high schools, one hospital, two newspapers, two theaters, three drug stores, four hotels, a public library, and thirteen churches. In addition, there were over 150 two and three story brick commercial buildings that housed clothing and grocery stores, cafes, rooming houses, nightclubs, and a large number of professional offices including doctors, lawyers, and dentists. Tulsa’s progressive African American community boasted some of the city’s most elegant brick homes, well furnished with china, fine linens, beautiful furniture, and grand pianos. Mary Elizabeth Parrish from Rochester, New York wrote: "In the residential section there were homes of beauty and splendor which would please the most critical eye." Well known African American personalities often visited the Greenwood district including: educators Mary McCloud Bethune and W.E.B. DuBois, scientist George Washington Carver, opera singer Marian Anderson, blues singer Dinah Washington, and noted Chicago chemist Percy Julian.

T.P. Scott wrote in "Negro City Directory": "Early African American business leaders in Tulsa patterned the development of Tulsa’s thriving Greenwood district after the successful African American entrepreneurial activity in Durham, North Carolina."

After the Civil War, former slaves moved to Durham from the neighboring farmlands and found employment in tobacco processing plants. By 1900, a large Black middle class had developed which began businesses that soon grew into phenomenally successful corporations, especially North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Charles Clinton Spaulding was so successful with the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company that he was able to create a real estate company, a textile and hosiery mill, and the "Durham Negro Observer" newspaper. Durham Blacks also created a hospital, Mechanics and Farmers Bank (1908), North Carolina Training College (1910), Banker’s Fire Insurance Company (1920), and the National Negro Finance Company (1922). However, living conditions in Durham were so substandard and working conditions so poor that the 1920 mortality rate among Blacks in Durham was three times higher than the White rate. As of 1926, 64% of all African Americans in Durham died before the age of 40. These perilous working and living conditions were not present in Tulsa.

Burning Black
Wall Street
bws2.JPG (45124 bytes)

Art by
Sherwood Akuna

On May 31, 1921,
the successful
Black Greenwood district
was completely destroyed
by one of the worse race riots
in U.S. history. 

A 19 year old Black male accidentally stumbled on a jerky elevator and bumped the 17-year-old White elevator operator who screamed. The frightened young fellow was seen running from the elevator by a group of Whites and by late afternoon the "Tulsa Tribune" reported that the girl had been raped. Despite the girl’s denial of any wrongdoing, the boy was arrested and a large mob of 2000 White men came to the jail to lynch the prisoner.

About 75 armed African Americans came to the jail to offer assistance to the sheriff to protect the prisoner. The sheriff not only refused the assistance but also deputized the White mob to disarm the Blacks. With a defenseless Black community before them, the White mob advanced to the Greenwood district where they first looted and then burned all Black businesses, homes, and churches. Any Black resisters were shot and thrown into the fires. When the National Guard arrived, they assisted the others by arresting all Black men, women, and children, and herding them into detention centers at the Baseball Park and Convention Hall. As many as 4,000 Blacks were held under armed guard in detention.

Dr. Arthur C. Jackson, a nationally renowned surgeon and called by the Mayo brothers (of Mayo Clinic fame) "the most able Negro surgeon in America", was shot at the Convention Hall and allowed to bleed to death. 

(click graphic above for Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 Slide Show)
(Bombing Black Wall Street by Sherwood Akuna)

The "Chicago Tribute" Newspaper reported that Whites also used private airplanes to drop kerosene and dynamite on Black homes. By the next morning the entire Greenwood district was reduced to ashes and not one White was even accused of any wrongdoing, much less arrested.

 3/09/2008.............. The race riot of Tulsa, Oklahoma was not an isolated event in American history. On May 28, 1917 a White mob in East St. Louis, Illinois of over l3,000, ravaged African American stores, homes, and churches. Eyewitnesses reported that over 100 Blacks were gunned down as they left their burning homes including a small Black child who was shot and thrown back into the burning building to die. Seven white police officers charged with murder by the Illinois Attorney General were collectively fined $150. During the "Red Summer" of 1919, over 25 race riots were recorded (white mobs attacking black neighborhoods). In the 1919 race riot at Elaine, Arkansas, White mobs killed over 200 African Americans and burned their homes and businesses. Federal troops arrested hundreds of Blacks trying to protect their possessions and forcibly held them in basements of the city’s public schools. Twelve Blacks were indicted (no Whites) and convicted of inciting violence and sentenced to die. The NAACP persuaded the U.S. Supreme Count for the first time in history to reverse a racially biased southern court. Director John Singleton exposed the horror of the Rosewood, Florida massacre of 1922 in his film entitled "Rosewood". A White mob burned down the entire town and tried to kill all of its Black inhabitants. In April 1994, the Florida legislature passed the "Rosewood Bill", which awarded $150,000 to each of the riot’s nine eligible Black survivors.

After the Tulsa riot, the White inhabitants tried to buy the Black property and force Black people out of town. No Tulsa bank or lending institution would make loans in the riot-marred Greenwood district, and the city refused all outside assistance. However, racial pride and self-determination would not permit the Greenwood owners to sell, and they doggedly spend the entire winter in tents donated by the American Red Cross. Rebuilding was a testament to the courage and stamina of Tulsa’s pioneers in their struggle for freedom.

Photo By
Sherwood Akuna
Most of the buildings along the first block of Greenwood Avenue were rebuilt within one year. Henry Whitlow wrote: "A little over a decade after the riot, everything was more prosperous than before." In 1926, W. E. B. DuBois visited Tulsa and wrote: "Black Tulsa is a happy city. It has new clothes. It is young and gay and strong. Five little years ago, fire and blood and robbery leveled it to the ground. Scars are there, but the city is impudent and noisy. It believes in itself. Thank God for the grit of Black Tulsa." 

Like Black Tulsa, African Americans can continue to survive by self-pride, self-help, and self-determination.

I’m Dr. Leroy Vaughn and that’s my view.
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I have been an outspoken critic of the ICC for a few years now.I have been critical since the tribunals in Bosnia and the imprisonment of Melosovich.My biggest concern came after the launching of the Iraq War in early 2003.I watched as The Neo Cons and George Bush instigate a war in Iraq on flimsy evidence.Make no mistake there is no justice in being weak.The strong generally dictate the terms of justice.If the arch of humanity bends towards justice,then it must take manipulation and strength to bend it.On the allegation of a professional dissident,Aqmed Chalabi head of the INC or Iraqi National Congress,the United States tried to install a puppet government in Iraq even before the fall of Saddam Hussein.When it was clear that he had no capability of holding the country together,a sectarian war broke out threatening to destabilize the entire region.Now since there were no weapons of mass destruction ever found and the UN did not mandate an invasion of a sovereign nation,President George W Bush found himself and America in an endless war with no support in the world.Then came the idea of selling a transitional government,then eventually elections.Now remember none of these were even discussed until Chalabi's government collapsed.The next few years saw hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed and millions displaced.A catastrophic upheaval on such a huge scale rivaling WW2.The question after reading this should be"Where is the indictment from the ICC towards George W Bush?Was there a hearing?The answer is no.One of the reasons is the ICC is voluntary.It is voluntary for developed nations but involuntary to poor nations.Being a signatory to the ICC means good standing with donor nations. Most of the nations running the court are former colonial powers Europe still desires to control Africa.They control Africa through fear and propaganda.It is European Intelligence Agencies that arm dictators in the first place.Dictators are easy to control.They only want to stay in power.They do not want to challenge the status quo.This dirty little arrangement is the reason Patrice Lumumba was murdered in the Congo,Kwame Nkrumah was overthrown and why the Americo Liberian True Whig Party and Liberia's President William R Tolbert was overthrown and his entire cabinet executed.Any African leader who challenges the West is targeted good or bad.None of the nations on the Security Council in the UN are signatories to the ICC but they are calling the shots in who is to be prosecuted.Nigeria and Ghana two colonial countries support the ICC.It was Nigeria that handed over former Liberian President Charles Taylor at the request or demand of George Bush.Imagine Bush who orchestrated a mass genocide of Iraqis demands Charles Taylor be held liable for a war in Sierra Leone!A war that has been waging since the early 1960's.A war former Nigerian President Obasanjo took part in plundering.It is clear certain people are being singled out,while others escape justice. The International Criminal Court (commonly referred to as the ICC or ICCt)[2] is a permanent tribunal to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression (although jurisdiction for the crime of aggression[3] will not be awakened until 2017 at the earliest).[4][5] The ICC was created by the Rome Statute which came into force on 1 July 2002.[6][7] The Court has established itself in The Hague, Netherlands, but its proceedings may take place anywhere.[8] It is intended to complement existing national judicial systems, and may only exercise its jurisdiction when national courts are unwilling or unable to investigate or prosecute such crimes. Currently, 122 states[9] are states parties to the Statute of the Court, including all of South America, nearly all of Europe, most of Oceania and roughly half the countries in Africa.[10] A further 31 countries,[9] including Russia, have signed but not ratified the Rome Statute.[10] The law of treaties obliges these states to refrain from “acts which would defeat the object and purpose” of the treaty until they declare they do not intend to become a party to the treaty.[11] Three of these states—Israel, Sudan and the United States—have informed the UN Secretary General that they no longer intend to become states parties and, as such, have no legal obligations arising from their former representatives' signature of the Statute.[10][12] 41 United Nations member states[9] have neither signed nor ratified or acceded to the Rome Statute; some of them, including China and India, are critical of the Court.[13][14] On 21 January 2009, the Palestinian National Authority formally accepted the jurisdiction of the Court.[15] On 3 April 2012, the ICC Prosecutor declared himself unable to determine that Palestine is a "state" for the purposes of the Rome Statute and referred such decision to the United Nations.[16] On 29 November 2012, the United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of recognizing Palestine as a non-member observer state.[17] The ICC has yet to punish Israel.It has yet to punish former Apartheid leaders in South Africa.The idea of the ICC was suppose to be that certain countries are incapable of prosecuting people because of cost and function.But Uganda and Kenya has functioning judicial systems.Why do they insist those countries hand over Bashir and Kenyatta?Are Africans incapable of governing themselves?Why did the ICC ignore rebel activity in the Coate de Ivoire in 2006?Then when their chosen leader supposedly won the election a few years ago and the same Gabagbo refuse to step down,they indict him?Why are they not holding those rebels who caused the insurgency accountable?Could it be because of Gabagbo's policies towards his former master in France?Most of the arms flowing into Africa come from the West.Most of the illegal diamonds flow to the West.Most of the smuggled oil goes to the West.Will we ever see ICC prosecutions of Haliburton or Shell oil?Don't hold your bre

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BAIO A-Z To be cont.....

A) BAIO Social Network........The meeting place to"socialize"nationalist and to cultivate members into BAIO Ideologies and plans.The social network is BAIO currently.The social network has a forum,blog,groups,chatroom,link to the donation button,photos,News,We need everyone contributing to adding content and information to the group.When members join they should see a social network that is a sanctuary for nationalist and those who believe in our just cause.The Social Network has six administrators.The administrators monitor content and member participation.The administration also enforces offensive posts and comments on the social network.Anyone can create a group in BAIO as long as it is carrying out the mandate and policies of the BAIO.Each group must state its purpose and goals.Use these groups to build organizations inside of the BAIO Social Network.

B)BAIO Radio Network............The radio network is our outreach to the general public.The radio shows are NOT conference calls.No business or details should be discussed on the air.The radio shows will be open to any callers not just people who agree with our ideology.If a host cannot defend the concept of Land Infrastructure and Nationhood to anyone calling in,that person should not host shows.Just as the social network is where we draw members,the radio network is where we draw opposition to debate our Ideology.The radio show is also entertainment as well as information.Radio must be consistent in order to grow.Missing shows and keeping changing schedules will lose our audience.

C)BAIO Non Profit.............BAIO is striving to become an NGO.Once we become an NGO then we can build an ITC/Call center,Office have a President,Treasurer,Secretary Sargent at Arms as well as building the groups into branches of BAIO.THIS TAKES SERIOUS FUNDING.Funding from major donors that believe in our just cause.We are currently working on this,and by summer we hope to be incorporated with a 501.

D)BAIO Basecamp.........Basecamp will be the project management system for the BAIO.Basecamp is used by many businesses and organizations to create,manage and build projects.Its uses timetables,benchmarks,metrics,analytics,alerts,goal,ect.Basecamp is the most effective tool for building organizations.

E)BAIO Donations............Donations from everyone is important.Administration both BAIO and its social network.Administrators must be contributing the minimum 10 dollar ,contribution per month as an example to others.Members your contributions gives you much say so in the building of this organization.Please take initiative and speak up and participate.This belongs to all of us contributors and non contributors alike.

F)BAIO Blog and Social Media............Blogging and pushing your blog or someone else blog on to Facebook,Twitter,Linked in,Google helps spread the BAIO message.Please take the time to tweet and like as many blogs as you can.

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Escaping the Black America Maxtrix

Voice of the Kala Nation Radio Show

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