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Many people of faith believe that they can fight a spiritual war in a material world.After 400 years next year,it is obvious they were wrong all along.Most early Black Churches believed in the concept of a'Promised Land".Some believed the Promised Land was a return to our ancestral homeland to build a nation,others believed in going out West away from the racist elements in the South.But it seems that no matter where we ended up the same problems of a race torn from their land,an abomination that may take people 1000 years of devistation to correct,the same problems are waiting in the so called Promised Land for them.Being a people without a land means a people who must remain weak,passive,accomidating,loyal,obedient,cowardly,submissive.Being without a land means you cannot in a strong sense demand accountability and loyalty from your own kind.

The Black Church was never protected by Angels of God.Many people will say Jesus will save us,or God has Angels protecting me.But the saddest thing is Black Churchs have been a favorite target for White Supremacist groups.Thousands of Churches were burned to the ground over the last 150 years.75 in 1995!A look at how the African Church faired in Liberia is to see it flourish protected by being on Black soil and protected by a Black nation state.Liberian families Churches,Institutions,farms,never suffered from threats from White supremacist mobs.Liberians were not in danger of racist police.The Civil Rights movement and the Black Church ignored the fact that the same people that controlled the police,juries,courts,laws,were still going to be in power.But that didn't matter to most of them,it was all about their ambitions and egos.It was all about the willing to claim any victory to discredit the Back to Africa movement.To create the illusion of inclusion as to undermine all nationalist organizations.

An Afrikstan or diaspora nation state in Africa is the solution.There are people who are questioning our vision of a homeland for African American and diasporans.The same people who by their own admission have been in Africa for decades and have nothing to show for it.You have Black diasporans in places like Ghana and Nigeria but face more discrimiation and red tape,delays ect in African than they would back in the states.Imagine you are finally home in Africa,all of your dreams shouls happen now right?Wrong when I hear you cant outright own land it must be leased for a period of years and it is still no guarantee that you own it,that is not your home.You should be able to buy property outright on day one.You should have the right to hold public office and vote.You should have permanent residence or dual citizenship.

Serenity......Is not freedom from the storm..but peace and tranquility admist the storm...An Afrikstan a nation with borders common language and most people sharing the same race and cultural heritage will give us for the first time in 400 years peace and serenity.In other words we cant solve all of the world's and Africa's problems,but this will be a safe haven for people who want to build and have true serenity in a world spiraling out of control by the day...

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Everyone has different moral rules values and religions,ideologies ect.The law is suppose to be there as a balance between individual liberties and the being the moral authority and conscious of the people.The reason the law becomes the moral authority or has the right to distinguish between what is immoral and what is illegal is because if not then religion and cults become the moral authority and that will put society back in the dark ages.My personal belief is I do not think homosexuals and people who intermarry should be in a real Nationalist movement.This does not mean they cannot be part of the country and have the same liberties and rights as everyone else.Its like can a drunkard really be choir director?Can a pastor be a womanizer?A Nationalist is someone who wants an eternal nation.A nation is centered around the family unit.Family bonds build dynasties bloodlines,marriage,kinship all are essential parts of building a unified structured nation.

Parting ways with America will create the situation where unity will happen.When we decide that we want dignity when we are tired of seeing our women portrayed as whores,unattractive,our men being emasulated effeminate.When we are tired of seeing our young girls chasing White boys and White men preying on Black vulnerable women because of self hate then we are ready for nationhood.I dont buy or believe LBGTQ people are genuine about nationhood because they are part of the New Black America of disfunction,destruction,chaos and misery that we want a new genesis a New Testiment to our future.A nation is a new beginning.The legitimacy is the wanting to be free to pursue happiness.Collective happiness must be the ablitity to procreate love marry raise children,aquire peace prosperity wealth and most of all the cherished sense of serenity.The Nationalist movement and the eventual Nation State are not the same thing.The latter has a responsiblity to the rule of law and the protection of the marginal and undesirable,the former has the right to exclude anyone and close ranks.

Are we ready to leave America yet?

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