The idea that descendants of the Trans Atlantic slave holocaust aka Maafa should return to their ancestral land and build it as a safe haven and homeland is the oldest ideology in Black America.Since the first Africans who were brought to these shores in chains arrived here most wanted to return and regroup as to take vengeance for the treachery and evil inflicted on them at the hands of the White man and those African traitors who colaborated with the White man.Historians have purposefully overlooked this aspect of Black thought as an aberation because it does not fit the narrative of America being the land of the free.If people who could endure such terrible things can be happy with America then America is off of the hook for its crimes.The 800lb gorilla in the room when socalled spokesmouths and Black intelligentsia speak on the condition of Black America is,Nationhood.As a nationalist expect to be persecuted miligned hated threatened and even feared and loathed.The lure of America is a double edge sword.America creates a certain basic delusional comfort zone even for people who denouce her.The White man can spin the narrative anyway he wants as long as you are confined to American soil.So pretending to be pro Black and for liberation absent a land of your own is disingenous and a farce.
Black Media,Academia,Entertainment are openly hostile to Nationhood.We must understand that we are not properly educated,infact as I study more and more Im finding out that most people are miseducated in all races.Historians are the gatekeepers who only want you to think in a certain narrow way.Facts and the truth be damned.It is all about what makes America work.Nationalism as a solution to the race problem is a slap in the face to very idea of American exceptionalism.The idea that America is the last hope of mankind.Black America is like a rape victim of a prominent Baptist Minister who must keep quiet in order to protect his name and image.The wanting a nation of our own will be seen as ingratitude.Black America is dying of mental sickness because we have been conditioned to live a lie.The well of upper class Black people who are incahoots with White America so called militant integrationist will do anything to discredit the idea of nationhood.We saw this with Charles S Johnson who wrote a book about Liberia called the Black Republic in the 1920's.Any mistake the only Black republic made was proof that Black America should continue their fight for integration in America and not listen to Marcus Garvey and his exodus and colonization in Liberia.At the same time with the Stock Market Crash and the Great Dustbowl famine and Depression were never reasons to give up America though.
The Writing is on the Wall.Because academia particularly Black Academics have no solutions other than complaing and begging.They are openly telling us they have no plan and they are out for their own benefit so what are you going to do?You have no place to go.We are your only voice in government.Well how about Black America allying with other governments around the world?When it becomes clear that we want and Afrikstan or a state of our own in Africa,the writing will be on the wall for all to see.Nationhood is the answer to the America conundrum.Nationhood creates a"we"because we will have something tangible and focal binding us together.The Black African Infrastructure Organization has a steely resolve and simple conviction...LAND INFRASTRUCTURE NATIONHOOD.