billionare (1)

Getting Black Folks to Sell

In the last quarter of 2015, I decided to take Team Afrika in a different direction.  After many years of looking at the the problems of Afrikans in the world and particularly Afrikans in the diaspora, my conclusion was similar to the conclusions of others from the past and present.  The greatest problem for Afrikans is economic.   Now I am not pretending to be an economist or some financial expert.  I have had my share of financial hiccups through my 45 years but I have never been broke or in poverty.

Also, I have found that the easiest way to get myself out of a temporary financial pinch was to sell something.  Now I have dabbled with selling things online and offline for the last 30 years.  The pattern was mainly the same.  I would either see an opportunity to sell something that was hot and make some quick cash or I would get myself in a financial pinch and sell my way out of it.  However, each and every time I would return to the "security" of a steady paycheck and full-time employment.  I mean I was a skilled nurse who made a decent salary.  Why wouldn't I return to the safety net?

Now, for the majority of Afrikans in America, there is no security in working.  Why?  Well there are too many factors to name but the main two are: institutional racism and immigration.  Personally, I do not have the capacity to solve either of those issues but I do have the capacity to change my future and set an example for my children on being a free person in control of your economic path.

Honestly, this is what I have always meant by the phrase Practical Afrikan Sovereignty.  It was nothing hard or difficult.  It was finding functional means of increasing your sovereignty and in turn increasing the sovereignty of your family and your people.  This is my part in building within the BAIO (Black Afrikan Infrastructure Organization) and I will use this blog and its complimentary outlets to detail how I go from selling my labor to selling things.

Below are some links to catch up a little bit on what I have been doing:


Podcast: Getting Black Folks to Sell Online 2015



2nd Podcast: Finding a Reliable Wholesale Source


Now, I hope you can catch up over the next few days before I get started detailing what I am doing to finally ditch my job for good.



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