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To The Peace Loving People and Republic of Liberia; "The First Christian African Nation Founded by the Providence of Yahweh God:

Joseph Jenkins Roberts was BORN FREE in Norfolk, Virginia, USA.

So yes, just one of many reasons, if not evidence supporting the TRUTH of reality that the Republic of Liberia was Founded simply by Pan Africans (so ABSOLUTELY no need for the oxymoron racially prejudice derived term of Freed Slaves).

Yes, no people or person can be both free and a slave at the same time. NO!

Such terms were racially introduced to further promote the stamp of racism and imperialist mental-psychoemotional oppression into the fabric of Liberia's still emerging society, as well as to cultivate divisive and derogatory classicism among the Pan African Inhabitants of Liberia, thus continuing the stereotyping of Universal African/Black Civil Advancement by such passive aggressive sabotage through the application of such oxymoron terms as "freed slaves".

Just as, "the power of Life and Death lies upon the tongue", so also Words do possess great Power.

Rather than be true to the illustrious greatness of the divine accomplishment of Pan African Self-government and Sovereign Nationhood Building, saboteurs preferred to selectively attache derogatory labels to the Providential Glory bestowed upon our ancestors and founding fathers of Liberia.

Such oxymoron and deceitful terms as "freed slaves" only serves the destructive purpose of ridicule, slander, stereotype, demoralization of any attempt at Universal National Pride of Consciousness, fostering dehumanization by self-perception of inferiority complex, confusion of identity, and outright Sabotage to Nation Building.

The use of such oxymoron terms as "freed slaves" is literally antithetical to Positive National Consciousness, thus to Nation Building as whole.

Lies and deception are all an assault on the psychoemotional spiritual-mental wellbeing of People, as the use of such derogatory terms are damaging Human Rights Violation against all victims of such, as well as against their Country folk, since it both directly and indirectly affects National Consciousness and Nation Building, and not just the individual self-development.

It is written, "The Truth sha10997941899?profile=RESIZE_710xll set you free".
Lies, deception, false accounts and reports of history aimed at brainwashing and uncivil domination are the worst forms of Slavery, Colonialism, and Apartheid, associated with Neocolonialism.

A word to the wise, like Grace, is quite sufficient.

Happy Peaceful and Bless Presidents' Birthday!

RIP President J. J. Roberts, and every other deceased President of the Republic of Liberia.

Long Live the Republic of Liberia; "The Pan African Capital of the World" 🇱🇷

Shalom... 🙏🏿🙇🏾‍♂️🙌🏿😇🇱🇷

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Prime Real Estate Land For Sale in Monrovia, Liberia!

Approximately 64 Acres of Prime Residential Real Estate Land For Sale along the Roberts International Airport Highway!


Over 60 Acres of Privately Owned Land For Sale! Absolutely No Incumbrances of any kind, Simple Sole Ownership...


Land Available For Sale and/or Developing Partnership for a Private Gated Community!


Simple Sales Contract Offer If Seeking To Buy!


Seamless Transfer of Title Deed via a Streamlined Transaction Process, that takes between 2 to 3 weeks only once 70% of Payment is Completed.


Lump sum Payment Deposit Preferred, in order not to exceed the 2 to 3 weeks Transaction Duration.


Maximum 3 Installment Payment Plan acceptable, spread across 3 Months.


Price per Lot Negotiable!


Contact 24/7 WhatsApp Digits:

+231 778 316264 / +231 886 201180



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The Black Afrikan Infrastructure Organization will push any of its members Business Development Plan through for funding and/or Technical Assistance based on two requirements.

1. That the BAIO LIBERIA CORPORATION retains 10% Shares of the overall Shares of any such Corporation.

2. That said member be a registered user of the BAIO GLOBAL PIPELINE Mobile App, and be in good standing with the Organization.

Just check at Apple Store for "BAIO GLOBAL PIPELINE" if you use iPhone.

If you use Android phone check on Google Playstore.


Our Funding Partners requirements are very simple. 

1. We can provide funding and technical assistance for all large scale projects from $50 million USD to $100+Billion USD in many categories.  

 2. Our funding programs require the Project Owner to invest 10% of the total amount of money needed to complete the project and TRG/BBA will provide 100 percent funding for the projects in 12 equal monthly payments.

 3. After 12 months (one year) or the completion of the projects, your 10% will be returned in full value .

The LOAN is 1.5 % interest rates from 1to 15 years with a one year grace period. The 10% may be in cash, Bank Guarantee, SBLC or GOLD. 


 4. The 10% is required for the LOAN.

The project owner may  enter into a 20% equity Partnership Agreement with TRG/BBA and the loan will be CONVERTED into a NON- RECOURSE LOAN, MEANING that the LOAN will not have to be REPAID. 



We are ready as soon as you can provide us with the following requirements:

1. A Short Executive Summary of the Project.

2. The Total cost to complete the Project and all approvals or permits required to proceed. 

3.  10% of the Total Amount needed to create the project. The 10% may be in cash, Bank Guarantee, SBLC or GOLD. 

4. CLIENTS INFORMATION SHEET (CIS) on the Responsible Contact Person. 

We will need the above 4 requirements at once in one package.

WhatsApp: +231 778 316264

MTN Direct Mobile: +231 886 201180


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Oceanfront Bar & Grill Restaurant Beach Land For Sale In Monrovia, Liberia 🇱🇷!


+231 778 316264
+231 886 201180

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Happy Presidents Birthday! March 15th!

Urgent Message To The Government Of the Republic of Liberia:

Emphasis on the Ministries of State; Foreign Affairs; Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism; Finance and Development Planning; Commerce and Industry; Education; and Internal Affairs.

"Using Strategic Holidays as opportunity for convening International Pan African and related Seminars, Conferences, and Exhibitions in Business, Commercial Trade, Industry, Governance & Intellectual Exchanges, as well as General Arts & Culture for the purpose of establishing Partnerships for Sustainable Development and Intercontinental Pan African Nationhood Building".


March 15th Annually should be designated generally as National Presidents Birthday in honor of all past Presidents, to reflect and commemorate their individual and collective achievements in Domestic as well as International Affairs. Commensurately, said date must be used to emphasize and celebrate the achievements of the Constitution of the Republic of Liberia, highlighting it's strategic role in preserving the history and culture of Pan African Sovereignty for reserving exclusive rights and access to Pan African descendants only to become Citizens and own Real Estate Land within the Republic of Liberia.

Whereas, November 29th Annually should be used strategically for the celebration of LIBERIA's contributions to the freedom and advancement of the global Pan African Constituency, ranging from the fight against the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Constitutional Slavery, Racial & Civil Injustice, Colonialism, and Apartheid. Considering that the era or period of the administration of W. V. S. Tubman constitutes most of the period in which the freedom struggle against colonialism in Africa was successful, and the establishment of the OAU/AU and African Development Bank was achieved, November 29th represents a good date of an existing Holiday that must be capitalized upon.

Rather than wasting such strategic opportunities of National Holidays of Sustainable Tourism and Development value, by simply engaging in widespread alcoholism, substance abuse, and related social distractions, such illustrious holidays in the life of the Pan African Capital of the World; the Republic of Liberia, should be used to aid our Nation Building process by the international convenance of the greatest thinkers and most successful progressives among our global constituency within the Republic of Liberia.

Such convenance must strategically be for the purpose of Enhanced Integrated Framework and Strategic Partnerships building while reflecting, commemorating, brainstorming, planning, and celebrating individual and collective Pan African progress.

Furthermore, the Awards of the Humane Order for African Redemption and such related National honors thereof must become integrated into the celebrations for such strategic holidays as March 15th and November 29th.

As a strategic and sustainable Tourism Development consultant and a student of Pan Africanism and World History, am of the belief that the Republic of Liberia remains a "World Heritage Nation", in honor of our strategic contributions to the fight against the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Constitutional Slavery, Racial & Civil Injustice, Colonialism and Apartheid, and Universal Human Rights as well as being a founding member State of the United Nations.

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