The Tao of nationhood is the harmony between the state and the nation.The nation is a people with a common heritage,culture,traditions,beliefs generally religion,customs and history.These bonds are forged over hundreds and in some cases thousands of years.Many people believe a nation is defined by geography.In my opinion that is not completely true.In Africa we have a continent tinkering on the abyss because nationhood was never addressed.In Nigeria there are thousands of ethnic minorities with their own culture who are marginalized by the three dominate tribes,the Hausa,Yoruba,Igbo,The British created Nigeria at the turn of the 20th century simply by drawing boundaries over dinner on a napkin.They gave the Hausa a dominate position and the most territory because it was assumed that they were the least progressive and modern.In Nigeria the territory of Biafra has called for a Biafra state led by Biafran Separatist.Biafrans have a legitimate claim to nation statehood.They were forced into a geopolitical entity created by the British general Lugard.Nigeria was a Protectoate business venture with a British governing administration.At the time the only Black/African ruled republic on the African continent was Liberia.When Nigeria became independent nationalism spurred on by Nigeria's size and the influence of Pan Africanism sweeping the continent,it decided to create a nation out of the many diverse tribes and languages.Since there was only one broadcast authority and English was the official language this was achievable.The problem is as people become more educated wealthy and refined they tend to lose traditional values,norms and habits.When this happens they begin searching for familiarity and similarities with like kind and minded people.This is happening all over the world.The biggest influence is social media.Social media is responsible for the rise of nationalism and the crumbling of the NWO Globalism.We saw it in Breixt.We are seeing it in English Cameroon.We are seeing it in Catalonia Spain.However there was a Basque Separatist movement in Spain for decades.
What does this tell us?This tells us that states are fallible.They are not constant.The nation is constant and demands continuity.As long as people feel they are part of a nation the desire for statehood will always be with us.We live in a dangerous world right now.Sovereign borders governments are not respected equally.We saw a so called Black President undermine Col Ghadaffi leading to his demise.Now Libya a once beautiful but imperfect nation is a hell on Earth thanks to Hilary Clinton and President Barack Obama's dreamy eyed Citizen of the World Globalism and one world government policies.The idea of globalism,one world government has been around for over 300 years.This is what Imperialism was.I believe globalism,one language,one world culture,eventually one race is a farce that will lead to further decline of civilization.People are at their best when they assume nationalism based on race,common heritage and culture.
The Nation vs the State.....Are you a nation kind of person?Or are you more on the state side?The state is a definite geographic location with defined borders boundaries,jurisdiction sovereignty over that particular land.The state is governed by a body of laws and institutions.A state is protected by police,military,laws,courts, currency.Abraham Lincoln once said that a government of the people by the people for the people shall never perish from the Earth.One point Lincoln said that was overlooked was he was talking to a homogeneous White Anglo Saxon Prodestant population direct descendants of England.Lincoln was talking about the White nation and as long as the government in Washington represents their interest it has the right to exist.
The Afrikstan........An Afrikstan is an African American generally and African slave descendant nation state.It does not have to be completely independent so as long as it is on Africa soil.The state part can be a co governing arrangement with a host African country providing land and basic infrastructure.It is the duty of the people to bond build the spirit and resilience patriotism and pride in ones nation to sustain it.If a people are ignorant,lazy,unjust, wicked,immoral the nation will die and the state would have to play the dominant position even if it means martial law.But when the people decide to build families communities schools institutions,culture art science then the nation becomes strong and they assume dominance over the state.