afrikstan (12)

Agenda For Africa Celeste Brito

The Black Afrikan Infrastructure Organization has come in fulll circle.For the past six years myself and my peers have been working to make the idea of an Afrikstan(Diaspora)homeland a reality.Each passing day that reality is coming to pass.A few years ago our friend Mr Rosenthall went to Angola on a fact finding mission to inquire about gold bullion investment opportunities there.Along with my connections he met the Honorable Celeste Brito the head of the Natural Resource bank.Both had similar vision of monetizing gold and other minerals for infrastructure development.While he was there he mentioned my idea of an Afrikstan to Angolans Zambians,Zimbabweans.Former AU director Dr Arikaner liked the idea and began calling it Wakanda in Zambia Zimbabwe borders.Angolans also liked the idea especially Ms Celeste Brito.With that being said the idea of making this a reality requires highly skilled African Americans and diasporans to comne back home to Africa.

The mission of this organiztion...There is no I in team.This mission requires teamwork.Everyone participating in this mission has a responsibilty to Celeste  Mr Rosenthal, Angola and the BAIO.The mission is simple building the infrastructure, social,cultural,economic,politcal bonds between Africa AND THOSE WHO ARE TRYING TO RETURN. Over the years Ive been building the kind of friendships in Angola and showcasing the vast talent Black America has to offer a developing country.Africa is currrently facing 550 billion in external debt to the IMF,China and the BRIC nations.This is unsustainable.As we speak hunger and famine are ravishing Zimbabwe as White farmers will bleed whats left dry witntheir 350 reparations package.I would urge anyone who is serious and had high level skills to get in contact with me i you are interested in working and representing the BAIO mission in Africa

Dwayne K Makala

aka KALAGENESIS 7476202901?profile=RESIZE_584x7476206268?profile=RESIZE_710x7476208500?profile=RESIZE_710x

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Angola New Genesis plan for Expats

The  New Genesis Corporation of Angola is in the process of making it easier for educated professionals,Skilled workers,critical key people and those will ambitions to live comfortably in Africa a reality

New Geneses "NG" welcomes people aged between 18 and 60 years old who work in the exploration, transformation, distribution, internal or external outflow, management of resources and services, as member of the value chain which are called as Associates.

It also has people who are not members of the value chain, those who benefit from joint participation of internal and external markets, generation of shared profit and return on investments. Those are colled partners.

Associates have access to NG's multilevel quality of life packages, with monthly incomes for a family budget from 4.150 USD/month at the diamond level, to 350 USD/month at the initial level, known as paper level.

The credit payment for the effort rate charged on resolvable income (from furnished housing, personal vehicle, integrated health insurance, transportation, education and digital currency services) is 15 to 25 years.

Partners are provided with the availability of investments and provision of services within NG's value chain.

NG's being a chain of values, of interdependent and sustainable projects, which respond's to Agenda 30 within the 17 SDG's and another 3, from Agenda for Africa, aimed at particularities of the African Continent.

Unlike any other work, housing and collaborative value chain, every associate or partner must be tutored in self-sustainability and investment. Mentoring, instruction or training is for the associate or partner to understand the model reframing concepts, such as: currency and money, exchange of goods, intellectual services and labor force (manual).


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Basic Economic Model for a new State

When people ask me about economics,or say that African nations currently cant feed themselves as an excuse to not engage in nationhood,I can only shake my head.Current African nations were built on the colonial model of extraction of raw materials and cash crops to the colonial buyer.Now the crop lets say cocoa used in chocolate is monetized by the host nation and the growers and country get a line of credit set in exchange rates favorable to the industrial buyer nations.This model is because most African nations lack the capital to finance their own projects or their own domestic market to sell to.Nor does the African nations until recently have the branding of finished goods,marketing and promition of value addition on their side.So they tend to sell raw materials and cash crops instead of finished goods.Rwanda and Uganda now are players in the coffee and tea market.Not just selling tea leafs and coffee beans,they are selling roasted coffee packaged around the world.Also creating their own branding by opening their domestic market by invnenting coffee and tea shops in trendy districts in their homeland.This gives them maximun value for their products as they create demand overseas and ship and market products abroad.The old model of foreign companies buying cash crops and taking it to their home mills to process is a thing of the past.As African cities and its middle class grows there will be less need to sell to outsiders first.But instead Building domestic markets as priority.

An Afrikstan will focus on domestic consumption first.Part of building an infrastructure of a new nation is building its domestic distribution channels.Its imports bulk breaking,wholesaling retailing and manufacturing.Domestic consumption as the basis for economic forecast and growth.The model of"Consume what you produce and Produce what you consume",is the model for substainable growth and well being.There is no sense growing something that is not being consumed locally just to sell to a foreign buyer.Being able to produce locally without relying on imports is what keeps the exchange rate and inflation under control.The excess should be exported by local trading companies for the purchase of capital and consumer good the nation needs.These are just some of the things our new nation will focus on to make sure we have a sound industrial economy and growth.

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Last week I was honored to be a guest on Search for Uhuru radio show.LIN Land Infrastructure and Nationhood as a concept is finally taking off.No other ideology will work.Infrastructure is about power.Who controls what we see, where we go,the quality of life,our protection,comfort and vitality.Infrastructure and the perfection of infrastructure is 90% of what all governments and policy makers do.The Black race has little or poor infrastructure.In order for you to have infrastructure you need land.A base of operations that you control.On that land building infrastructure and maintaining and expanding and controlling that infrastructure allows for a people to become a community locally and a nation nationally.Poor infrastructure leads to the disfunction of the state.It creates breeches and vulnerabilities.Because we do not live under a common land and infrastructure there is no community.There is no we,there is no us.I stress that we should have a Afrikstan or Afrikan homeland to build this infrastructure so we can have a global pipeline linking Black America to Africa and beyond.This in one generation will solve 80% of the problems we face.So we at the BAIO need people with skills who are ready to build.It wont be easy.As I said in the broadcast there will be challenges,trials and tribulations.Out of which a new nation and civilization will emerge.

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B.A.I.O Afrikan Pipeline....................

Hello ladies and gentlemen.This is Dwayne Makala aka Kalagenesis,and I want to take the time to tell you how honored we are that you chose to join us.Nationhood as our dream goal and vision requires only one thing.BLACK PEOPLE.This is the only movement that does not require endless validation from White America.It does not require some new law in America.It only requires will desire and determination of our people.With that being said,I will go even further.I doesn't even require large number of Black folks.It only requires serious dedicated people who will step up to leadership positions and do without being told.Taking initiative yourself.You know what a Nation state will require so organize do your research.Find out things and share them with the group.

We are moving to make this a reality.What will make this a smooth success is by building a BAIO Pipeline of skilled,connected,educated,innovative,creative and thoughtful people.Africa needs Scientists,Agriculturalist,Industrialist,Traders,import export,Logistics,Doctors,architects,engineers.A Pipeline will be a nationwide and global database of names listing people's professions.It will also use analytics metrics and establish benchmarks to push people into fields the host nation of the Afrikstan needs.This Pipeline cannot happen until we get the official greenlight to build this state.Then we can go to Black colleges,schools,businesses churches mosque and post what the Pipeline needs.This will eliminate people wasting time in un necessary course,and make us competitive with the Chinese and others in building Africa.

If anyone has ideas on how to build such a pipeline or are there programs and software please let us know.

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Afrikstan The Nation and the State harmonized


The Tao of nationhood is the harmony between the state and the nation.The nation is a people with a common heritage,culture,traditions,beliefs generally religion,customs and history.These bonds are forged over hundreds and in some cases thousands of years.Many people believe a nation is defined by geography.In my opinion that is not completely true.In Africa we have a continent tinkering on the abyss because nationhood was never addressed.In Nigeria there are thousands of ethnic minorities with their own culture who are marginalized by the three dominate tribes,the Hausa,Yoruba,Igbo,The British created Nigeria at the turn of the 20th century simply by drawing boundaries over dinner on a napkin.They gave the Hausa a dominate position and the most territory because it was assumed that they were the least progressive and modern.In Nigeria the territory of Biafra has called for a Biafra state led by Biafran Separatist.Biafrans have a legitimate claim to nation statehood.They were forced into a geopolitical entity created by the British general Lugard.Nigeria was a Protectoate business venture with a British governing administration.At the time the only Black/African ruled republic on the African continent was Liberia.When Nigeria became independent nationalism spurred on by Nigeria's size and the influence of Pan Africanism sweeping the continent,it decided to create a nation out of the many diverse tribes and languages.Since there was only one broadcast authority and English was the official language this was achievable.The problem is as people become more educated wealthy and refined they tend to lose traditional values,norms and habits.When this happens they begin searching for familiarity and similarities with like kind and minded people.This is happening all over the world.The biggest influence is social media.Social media is responsible for the rise of nationalism and the crumbling of the NWO Globalism.We saw it in Breixt.We are seeing it in English Cameroon.We are seeing it in Catalonia Spain.However there was a Basque Separatist movement in Spain for decades.

                                                                    What does this tell us?This tells us that states are fallible.They are not constant.The nation is constant and demands continuity.As long as people feel they are part of a nation the desire for statehood will always be with us.We live in a dangerous world right now.Sovereign borders governments are not respected equally.We saw a so called Black President undermine Col Ghadaffi leading to his demise.Now Libya a once beautiful but imperfect nation is a hell on Earth thanks to Hilary Clinton and President Barack Obama's dreamy eyed Citizen of the World Globalism and one world government policies.The idea of globalism,one world government has been around for over 300 years.This is what Imperialism was.I believe globalism,one language,one world culture,eventually one race is a farce that will lead to further decline of civilization.People are at their best when they assume nationalism based on race,common heritage and culture.

The Nation vs the State.....Are you a nation kind of person?Or are you more on the state side?The state is a definite geographic location with defined borders boundaries,jurisdiction sovereignty over that particular land.The state is governed by a body of laws and institutions.A state is protected by police,military,laws,courts, currency.Abraham Lincoln once said that a government of the people by the people for the people shall never perish from the Earth.One point Lincoln said that was overlooked was he was talking to a homogeneous White Anglo Saxon Prodestant population direct descendants of England.Lincoln was talking about the White nation and as long as the government in Washington represents their interest it has the right to exist.

The Afrikstan........An Afrikstan is an African American generally and African slave descendant nation state.It does not have to be completely independent so as long as it is on Africa soil.The state part can be a co governing arrangement with a host African country providing land and basic infrastructure.It is the duty of the people to bond build the spirit and resilience patriotism and pride in ones nation to sustain it.If a people are ignorant,lazy,unjust, wicked,immoral the nation will die and the state would have to play the dominant position even if it means martial law.But when the people decide to build families communities schools institutions,culture art science then the nation becomes strong and they assume dominance over the state.2042369?profile=original

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BAIO A-Z To be cont.......

A) BAIO Social Network........The meeting place to"socialize"nationalist and to cultivate members into BAIO Ideologies and plans.The social network is BAIO currently.The social network has a forum,blog,groups,chatroom,link to the donation button,photos,News,We need everyone contributing to adding content and information to the group.When members join, they should see a social network that is a sanctuary for nationalist, and those who believe in our just cause.The Social Network has six administrators.The administrators monitor content and member participation.The administration also enforces and removes offensive posts and comments on the social network.Anyone can create a group in BAIO as long as it is carrying out the mandate and policies of the BAIO.Each group must state its purpose and goals.Use these groups to build organizations inside of the BAIO Social Network.

B)BAIO Radio Network............The radio network is our outreach to the general public.The radio shows are NOT conference calls.No business or details should be discussed on the air.The radio shows will be open to any callers not just people who agree with our ideology.If a host cannot defend the concept of Land Infrastructure and Nationhood to anyone calling in,that person should not host shows.Just as the social network is where we draw members,the radio network is where we draw opposition to debate our Ideology.The radio show is also entertainment as well as information.Radio must be consistent in order to grow.Missing shows and keeping changing schedules will lose our audience.

C)BAIO Non Profit.............BAIO is striving to become an NGO.Once we become an NGO then we can build an ITC/Call center,Office have a President,Treasurer,Secretary Sargent at Arms as well as building the groups into branches of BAIO.THIS TAKES SERIOUS FUNDING.Funding from major donors that believe in our just cause.We are currently working on this,and by summer we hope to be incorporated with a 501.

D)BAIO Basecamp.........Basecamp will be the project management system for the BAIO.Basecamp is used by many businesses and organizations to create,manage and build projects.Its uses timetables,benchmarks,metrics,analytics,alerts,goal,ect.Basecamp is the most effective tool for building organizations.

E)BAIO Donations............Donations from everyone is important. This goes for Administration, both BAIO and its social network.Administrators must be contributing the minimum 10 dollar ,contribution per month as an example to others. To our valued members, your contributions gives you much say so in the building of this organization.Please take initiative and speak up and participate.This organization belongs to all of us, contributors and non contributors alike.

F)BAIO Blog and Social Media............Blogging and pushing your blog or someone else blog on to Facebook,Twitter,Linked in,Google helps spread the BAIO message.Please take the time to tweet and like as many blogs as you can.

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The whole basis for the Black Afrikan Infrastructure Organization LIN Land Infrastructure and Nationhood.On a micro scale you need land infrastructure and then you have a community,town,city,village.Ours is on a much grander scale.This blog is an attempt visualize the components of each pillar.

Land......Is the negotiating of territory on the African continent with a willing host African nation.Such land only needs between 3000-40,000 square miles of undeveloped land.

Infrastructure........Is the logistics and development of the land.The Hard Infrastructure are the roads,ports,powerlines,railways,communications,sewer and water treatment ect.The Soft Infrastructure are the Hospital and Medical networks,police,prisons,fire dept,the warehousing,transportation systems,waste management,schools,courts,institutions,governments.

Nationhood.....are the people working in conjunction to maintain the infrastructure,expand it.This forges unity,togetherness,cooperation,bonds,patriotism.

The Nation State will function as a safe haven for people of African descent wishing to build a free society of their own.

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The Million Man March anniversary which took place on October 10 2015,was another waste of a golden opportunity.It is becoming clear that there really isn't any real nationalist movement anymore.There never was.We have entertainers,fools,clowns,losers,angry winers ect.There are no Honorable men in Black America,not one.It seems everyone is out for their own agenda,money,women,fame and fortune.What I noticed was that I had it all wrong,Black people are not looking for salvation.They are just looking for a way to justify their miserable third class existence in America.As long as they believe the problem is with the so called WHITE MAN.They can use this straw man argument to point to all of their shortcomings.Is it any wonder why White America has not fear of us?Justice or Else?The or else came and he took boat loads of money this past weekend from gullible Negroes.The city of DC got a surge of business and cash from the thousands of Negroes and their"or else'.

It is time for the BAIO to take the reigns of leadership to guide our people to the promised land.LIN Land Infrastructure and Nationhood is the answer,if anyone is searching with the right questions.It seems Minister Farrakhan has gone over the the LGBT cause.This cause is against the Black traditional family.An institution that is vital to nation building.Notice it was the worst entertainers that promote the self destructive culture that was present in the march?Note the lesbian MGT of the Nation of Islam.Our community is finally waking up to the garbage that report to speak for us.

Black Faces of the "Homosexual Agenda" - Yesterday & TodayFrom Bayard Rustin to Al Sharpton to Minister Farrakhan to Gay-Z:Black Leaders' "Gay Agenda" Posing As a "Black Agenda"

Posted by Ayo Kimathi on 14 ඔක්තෝබර් 2015
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Many people have asked just what is BAIO? What is an Afrikstan?

BAIO is a Geopolitical organization of Afrikan American and Afrikan Diasporan descendants of the TransAtlantic Slave Trade. Our condition is tied to the legacy of slavery and genocide of Afrikan people in North America and the Afrikan Diaspora.

BAIO along with some of the most powerful bloggers in Black America and the diaspora will make the case that it is time for landless sons and daughters of Mother Afrika to have self determination. We believe self determination means self rule and government. The only place this can happen is in Africa. It is time for us to come back home.

Since this network is secure we can talk frank and open.

We are currently pursuing negotiations with African governments, Angola in particular.

This will require participation and brainstorming of our most educated our intelligentsia and our academic elite. We will organize our people for this mission. We hope to have the first people on the ground by next summer. We want to create an non reversible situation as we send pioneers to the continent. Building settlements and proclaiming Afrikstan will be the enduring goad to our national salvation!

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